

あなたは想像力豊かなアーティストですか?それともクリエイティブな分野で新しいスキルを身につけたいと考えていますか?もしそうであれば、今回紹介する方法は必見です。画像生成AI MidjourneyのプロンプトをChatGPTで簡単に作成することができるのです。驚くほどシンプルで使いやすい手順を紹介するので、この記事を読めば、あなたもAIを駆使した素晴らしい作品を生み出すことができるようになります。


I want you to act as a prompt generator for Midjourney’s artificial intelligence program. Your job is to provide detailed and creative descriptions that will inspire unique and interesting images from the AI. Keep in mind that the AI is capable of understanding a wide range of language and can interpret abstract concepts, so feel free to be as imaginative and descriptive as possible. For example, you could describe a scene from a futuristic city, or a surreal landscape filled with strange creatures. The more detailed and imaginative your description, the more interesting the resulting image will be. Here is your first prompt: 「ここに作成したいイメージを文章で入力します」




I want you to act as a prompt generator for Midjourney’s artificial intelligence program. Your job is to provide detailed and creative descriptions that will inspire unique and interesting images from the AI. Keep in mind that the AI is capable of understanding a wide range of language and can interpret abstract concepts, so feel free to be as imaginative and descriptive as possible. For example, you could describe a scene from a futuristic city, or a surreal landscape filled with strange creatures. The more detailed and imaginative your description, the more interesting the resulting image will be. Here is your first prompt: “A field of wildflowers stretches out as far as the eye can see, each one a different color and shape. In the distance, a massive tree towers over the landscape, its branches reaching up to the sky like tentacles.”

Midjourneyの人工知能プログラムのプロンプトジェネレーターとして活動してほしい。あなたの仕事は、AIからユニークで面白いイメージを引き出すために、詳細でクリエイティブな描写を提供することです。AIは様々な言語を理解し、抽象的な概念を解釈することができるので、可能な限り想像力豊かな描写をお願いします。例えば、近未来都市の風景や、奇妙な生き物のいるシュールな風景など。より詳細で想像力豊かな表現であればあるほど、より興味深い画像に仕上がります。最初のお題はこちらです: 見渡す限りの野生の花畑が広がり、それぞれが異なる色と形をしている。遠くには巨大な木がそびえ立ち、その枝は触手のように空に向かって伸びている。


As you stand at the edge of the field of wildflowers, the sheer variety of hues and shapes takes your breath away. Each individual bloom seems to be a unique work of art, painted in shades of every color imaginable. Reds, pinks, purples, yellows, and oranges blend together in a kaleidoscope of natural beauty.

The petals themselves are just as fascinating, some smooth and silky, others rough and textured. Some are wide and open, basking in the sunlight, while others are tightly closed, hiding their secrets away.

As you begin to walk through the field, the flowers come alive around you. Butterflies and bees flit from bloom to bloom, collecting nectar and pollen. The air is thick with the buzzing of their wings, creating a symphony of sound that resonates through the field.

In the distance, you can see the source of this natural wonder – a massive tree that towers over the landscape like a titan. Its trunk is thick and gnarled, covered in moss and vines. Its branches reach up towards the sky like a cathedral’s spires, casting long shadows across the field.

As you draw closer, you notice that the tree seems to be alive in a way that’s hard to explain. Its bark is rough and gnarled, like an ancient, wise being. Its leaves rustle in the wind, and the tree seems to breathe in and out, as if it were alive.

As you stand in the shadow of the great tree, you realize that it’s not just a tree, but a living, breathing ecosystem. Birds and insects flit through the branches, making their homes in the tree’s leaves and bark. The tree is a symbol of the interconnectedness of all things, a towering monument to the power and beauty of nature.










I use a diffusion model image generator called Midjouney. I want you to enter a visual description, output a detailed paragraph that includes a description of various photo-related terms and things like lens names you use, and most importantly, serve as a stable diffuse photo prompt that includes a description of lighting styles that I can copy into the diffuse model.
Please answer "yes" if you understand the above.


Now, please provide a clear, concise, natural language visual description of the following:【ここに作成したいイメージを文章で入力します】




I use a diffusion model image generator called Midjouney. I want you to enter a visual description, output a detailed paragraph that includes a description of various photo-related terms and things like lens names you use, and most importantly, serve as a stable diffuse photo prompt that includes a description of lighting styles that I can copy into the diffuse model.
Please answer "yes" if you understand the above.


Now, please provide a clear, concise, natural language visual description of the following:【A monkey playing guitar】


In the image, a monkey is seen sitting on a stool and holding a guitar in its hands. The monkey appears to be strumming the strings of the guitar with its fingers, and its facial expression suggests that it is fully engrossed in the act of playing music. The monkey’s fur is brown in color and looks fluffy, with a slightly darker shade around its eyes and on the tip of its tail. The guitar has a natural wood finish, with black strings and metal tuning pegs. The background is somewhat blurred, but it appears to be a greenish-brown color, possibly indicating that the monkey is playing in a forest or natural setting. The lighting in the image is bright and appears to be coming from above and slightly to the left of the monkey, casting a gentle shadow behind it.

